Is Undermethylation Keeping You Down? What You Can Do

Is Undermethylation Keeping You Down? What You Can Do

If you've struggled most of your life with depression and nervousness, or even tend to feel a little down in the dumps, you might want to check to see if you are undermethylating. Methylation status something I regularly check patients for because it's a process the body needs to run diverse and vital functions, but oftentimes their methylation processing isn't quite balanced – causing them to undermethylate or overmethylate.

Last week I published an article about overmethylation because I felt like it is a topic that is not commonly addressed and yet effects many people. Of these two sister conditions, undermethylation tends to get more of the attention but still it's important we clarify the differences, some common misconceptions, and a natural treatment options so you can do your best to reduce its impact in your life.

So let's briefly revisit methylation. Methylation is a biochemical process used throughout your body like a little light switches for turning on repairing DNA, producing energy, regulating hormones, detoxification, synthesizing neurotransmitters, and more. Undermethylation occurs when someone doesn’t have enough methyl groups to switch on certain processes. Most people methylate properly but if you fall on either end of the spectrum, you're going to feel it.


12 Symptoms of Undermethylation

Though undermethylation and overmethylation both share anxiety as a symptom, people who  are experiencing a lack of methylation are typically experiencing anxiety that's more geared towards perfectionism tendencies. Where as people with overmethylation tend to have extreme anxiety accompanied with panic attacks in some cases.

Here are 12 symptoms of undermethylation:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Depression
  3. Insomnia
  4. Nervousness and perfectionism
  5. Addictions
  6. Low serotonin activity
  7. Headaches
  8. Obsessive compulsive behaviors
  9. High libido
  10. Allergies
  11. Ritualistic behavior
  12. Digestive issues

Undermethylation is associated with MTHFR mutations C677T, A1298C, MS, BHMT, MAT and SAHH. Please keep in mind that when you get a genetic test, you getting a list of possibilities and it is not definitive to whether or not you are undermethylating or overmethylating. That being said, it's a good way to know which way your body might tend to behave.


What Causes Undermethylation?

There's a common misconception that the genetic mutations associated are what cause under or overmethylation. However, it's not that simple. While genetic mutations might make it more likely that you're not methylating enough and there are also likely environmental causes. Toxin and mold exposure, high-stress environments, nutrient deficiencies, and even emotional trauma seem to potentially affect methylation in the body.

While there's no one definitive cause of undermethylation, if you come to the conclusion that that's what's happening in your body and causing your symptoms, you'll want to address the underlying causes by restoring the related factors. When it comes to naturally healing your body so it begins to methylate at a normal rate, it's a good idea to make sure you're getting enough precursors, co-factors, and supporting your body’s detoxification processes.


An Undermethylation Diet

Here are some of those precursors and cofactors you should add to your diet to help with your undermethylation:

  1. Choline – An important methyl donor.
  2. Glutathione – Low glutathione levels can impair methylation.
  3. Copper – Many methylation enzymes require copper for reactions.
  4. Magnesium – Plays an important role and gene methylation.
  5. Folate – An important methyl donor.
  6. Zinc – Insufficient zinc levels can reduce the body's ability to use methyl groups.
  7. Vitamin B2 – Helps recycle folate so it's a usable methyl donor form.
  8. Vitamin B3 –  Maintains proper methylation of genes, which helps resist tumor formation.
  9. Vitamin B6 – A cofactor for an important enzyme that helps transfer methyl groups.
  10. Vitamin B12 – A key enzyme used in the synthesis of your body's most important methyl donor, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe).
  11. SAMe, methionine, or TMG can also be taken

Foods to avoid:

  • Vegetable oils
  • Processed foods
  • Gluten
  • Soy

Foods to enjoy:

  • Organic fresh vegetables
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Wild caught salmon
  • Full fat yogurt
  • Eggs (if tolerant)

Basically, the key here is to eliminate things that often cause people problems such as common food sensitivities and inflammatory foods. It's going to be really important for you to go on a whole food plant-based diet. Then you’ll want to focus on the nutrients listed above because they are essential for methylation.

Juicing probably won't feel great for you because there's high concentrations of folic acid, which can cause people who are undermethylating problems. Folic acid depletes methyl groups in the nucleus of the cell where DNA is made. Outside the nucleus, folic acid can actually contribute to the methyl groups in your body. This can be confusing because it seems to contradict itself, but the most important thing to remember is that folic acid usually inhibits detoxification processes and therefore it doesn't feel great for somebody who's undermethylating.

You'll also likely benefit from reducing histamine in your diet. This is because high histamine levels and undermethylation are associated.


Undermethylation & Histamine

Another thing that can contribute to undermethylation besides the MTHFR gene mutations and environmental causes, are high levels of histamine in the body. Histamine is an important mediator released by your mast cells to cause acute inflammation. Histamine gets a bad name but in reality we need histamine to help get important immune system elements to injuries and to attack Invaders. That being said, it's fairly common to experience high histamine in such a way that it becomes problematic.

What can contributes to histamine levels?

Noticing a theme in the foods listed above? This is because as foods sits, it breaks down and creates histamine.


Undermethylation Treatment

If you suspect undermethylation is causing you problems, I encourage you to seek out the help of a functional medicine doctor with experience in this area. Through testing and careful recording of your diet and lifestyle, you and your doctor should be able to help you reduce the number of factors that are contributing to your undermethylation.

If you're interested learning more about overmethylation, I encourage you to check out my blog: Is Overmethylation The Cause of Your Anxiety?



12 thoughts on “Is Undermethylation Keeping You Down? What You Can Do

  1. Jill Keith says:

    Thank you so much for this post! Do you go into more detail about the efect of folic acid on undermethylation anywhere? I’ve read Nutrient Power by DR. Walsh and what he says about folic acid having a negative impact on mood and emotions for people who are undermethylated seems to hold true for me. Supplementing with P5P, methionine and avoiding folic acid seems to be helpful but I’m still trying to find balance with my methylation. You seem to be very knowledgable and I would love to hear more from you on this topic.

    • PD says:

      I also became depressed when I took folate. I was compound heterozygous for C677T and A1298C, so it seemed like folate supplementation was a no brainer. I had testing recommended by Dr Walsh and did well on his recommended supplements, with no folate. (I eat a salad every day). He said folate is an epigenetic modifier, and will pull the methyl off the histones which in this case turns on the reuptake pumps, thereby decreasing neurotransmitters in the synapse. He has an impressive amount of data and had actually noted the odd response of some of his patients before the research caught up with him and provided an explanation. I am a little concerned about the seeming universal recommendation for everyone to take methyl folate if they are genetically susceptible. It may not be the best answer for everyone.

  2. Jason says:

    Good ‘short’ article on a very deep and complex subject. One thing people might want to note here that was not mentioned; Low methylation can impair glutathione levels, so someone can have methylation and glutathione levels near crash and stay at those levels, very nasty.

  3. Amy says:

    I have A1298C heterogeneous and will be going to see a functional medicine doctor later this month. In the mean time my endocrinologist recommend a few methyl vitamins, B6, and alpha linolenic acid to see if that helps my fatigue and a few other items. I read in this article some foods to eat and avoid. What is the reasoning to avoid gluten?

  4. Katie Gesto, NP says:

    Much appreciated explanation of methylation that I have so often fumbled to explain to my patients. I will quote you in the future! Thanks for sharing and I always get so much out of your webinars. Keep up the great work.

  5. Linda Shepherd says:

    Are taking new patients as I did a genetic test and found out I have heterozygous for the C677T polymorphism in the MTHFR gene.
    Reduced folic acid, decreased serum folate levels, and moderately increased homocysteine levels.
    My anxiety has been terrible even with my meds my doctor has me taking.
    Do you take Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance?

    • Dr. Jill Carnahan, MD says:

      Hi Linda
      You can find information here. I do not accept any insurance plans but bills may be submitted for reimbursement. I am not accepting new patients but my new nurse practitioner, Katie, will soon be seeing new patients under my guidance.
      Dr. Jill

  6. Michele says:

    If someone is undermethylated ( determined by a whole blood histamine test -above 70 is UM) then they should never take folates; B3; B5 copper, or Choline.
    First of all no one should EVER take supplemental copper unless they have Wilson’s Disease and under the care of a knowledge Dr. Folates, B3, B5 and choline strip methyl donors away, leaving the person more UM. Yes folates are a top methyl donor BUT at the site of the serotonin receptor it strips away methyl donors… and leaves the person with increased anxiety and depression. Could very easily make a person suicidal. The doctors at Mensah Medical are the top authority in this area.
    Bottom line, A person must know their methylation status and follow a precise protocol

    • Dr. Jill Carnahan, MD says:

      Hi Michele,
      just one important clarification, Wilson’s disease is a disease of excess copper and copper supplementation is contraindicated. Also patients with undermethylation may require methyl-folate but should generally not take unmethylated folate. However as you suggest, there is no one size fits all protocol and it must be individualized.
      Dr. JIll

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