Tag Archives: organic food

We Can No Longer Ignore Glyphosate

We Can No Longer Ignore Glyphosate

Maybe you’ve heard it in the news recently – glyphosate has been in a number of legal cases worldwide and there’s no sign of this trend slowing down. This is good news, since glyphosate (also known as Roundup) is a pesticide that has infiltrated every aspect of our water and food systems and is wreaking havoc on human health.

The Shocking Truth About The Pesticides in Your Food

The Shocking Truth About The Pesticides in Your Food

It’s not just farm workers who are exposed to these chemicals, nearly everyone is now exposed to pesticides on a daily basis. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has estimated that about 50 million Americans drink groundwater that is contaminated by pesticides. In addition to  contaminated drinking water, pesticides are in our food.
