MegaGuard™ is a novel digestive aid that combines licorice polyphenols, cleansing artichoke leaf extract, and soothing ginger to promote normal digestion, regulate stomach acid, maintain healthy H. pylori levels, and reduce occasional digestive discomforts such as gas and bloating. With the power of these herbs combined, MegaGuard™️ provides unique and comprehensive digestive support, bowel regularity, and gastric balance.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has a long history of use for digestive support. In Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese practice, licorice is well-known for its ability to support the gastric mucosa. One of the most commonly known compounds in licorice is a saponin called glycyrrhizin that has been used as an emulsifier and sweetener in the food industry. However, most supplements contain deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) because large amounts of glycyrrhizin have been associated with serious adverse side effects like elevated blood pressure and lowered potassium levels. Gutgard® licorice flavonoids are entirely different from DGL with respect to chemistry, composition, manufacturing, and mechanisms of action. While a classical extract of DGL does not contain any significant quantity of flavonoids, Gutgard® is standardized to contain more than 10% total flavonoids and less than 0.5% glycyrrhizin to avoid undesirable effects. More than 50 flavonoids have been identified in Gutgard® which have been shown to have beneficial activity for digestive support. Gutgard® licorice can also relieve occasional indigestion, bloating, and gas at 150mg/day.
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaf extract (ALE) has also been used traditionally as a digestive aid. The bitter compounds, particularly cynaropicrin, are responsible for the digestive benefits of artichoke. ALE has been shown to support bile production, healthy liver function, and balanced blood lipids. In 2003, German researchers demonstrated that 640mg/day of artichoke leaf extract significantly improved digestive issues like occasional bloating and fullness. Though the study was conducted over 6 weeks, the majority of the study group saw results in the first week.
Ginger (Zinziber officinalis) has been used as a digestive aid in Eastern practice for generations. Studies have demonstrated that ginger supports gastric emptying and can relieve occasional bouts of nausea and vomiting. Gingerols and shogaols, the active polyphenolic compounds in ginger, appear to be responsible for such effects by weakly inhibiting cholinergic M3 and serotonergic 5-HT3 receptors. Ginger extracts with a higher gingerol content (20-30% gingerols) are stronger and more effective at providing digestive support. In 2015, an Italian study of 126 patients found that the daily combination of 40 mg of ginger extracts (25-30% gingerols) with 200 mg of artichoke leaf extracts reduced the frequency of occasional digestive issues like nausea, bloating, early satiety, and abdominal discomfort 17% more effectively than just artichoke leaf extract alone.16 While most ginger extracts only contain 5% gingerols, MegaGuard™ contains 60 mg of potent ginger root extract (20% gingerols) for maximum strength.
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